HOPAL is an integrated solution within the caregiving industry, offering comprehensive services that address every aspect of care.
About Hands of Power & Love
Hands of Power & Love is a company aimed at fostering connections within the caregiving community. Our goal is to assist families, caregivers, small business owners, and emerging entrepreneurs.
Our objective is to foster a connection between employees and employers, enabling mutual influence through relational dynamics and achieving success in the workplace.
Our goal is to increase the quality of homecare services by providing agencies with seasoned caregivers who will assist their clients in need. We aim to promote excellent patient care by providing our caregivers with essential soft and hard skills required to deliver excellent service.
Our goal is to transform the industry by developing leaders who will influence the caregiving industry for years to come.
Hands of Power & Love was founded upon the principle of love, and as a result, our services embody the transformative power of love!